The Chick Whisperer Podcast

How To Be The Man Everyone Looks Up To - TCW73



What can I say about my co-host for this episode? He makes decisions on a daily basis that hold lives of innocent children in the balance. He fights challenges that give others the chills--even if they only dare to watch from afar. Everyone he knows recognizes his rock-solid character and looks to him for direction and wisdom. His wife adores him endlessly, even as she confidently stands with him in the trenches. Not only have his daughters followed in his footsteps, so have their fiances. By now you're probably picturing a high-dollar family law attorney, elected official, pediatric brain surgeon or even a superhero. But Daryl is a self-proclaimed 'normal guy' just like you and me. Yet no matter what he says, he lives in an extraordinary world where he and his wife are basically the Mother Theresas of Guatemala. Listen as Daryl talks openly about how he makes the gut wrenching life-and-death decisions that most men would wilt under or run away from. Prepare to be left slackjawed by how he talks about being a