The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Crush Limiting Beliefs About Women - MTP107



Forget the stereotypes about hypnosis that you may have heard along the way. Clovis Colley is a well-known hypnotherapist who specializes in helping people gain greater access to their skills and maximize their personal power in areas they haven't even tapped into yet. As you listen to this episode, we'll expose common limiting beliefs that lead to anger and bitterness toward women, profoundly affecting your relationships and interactions with them. The crazy part is that you may have never even considered them before. This goes way beyond what your Dad modeled for you...birth order, high intelligence, parental over-protection, even the bombardment of media and the public opinions of virtually everyone via social media. Clovis can eliminate such limiting beliefs and install charismatic and magnetic new positive ones very quickly. As an added bonus, be sure to listen closely from 23:44 through 26:23 for my secrets to why men with a higher view of women tend to have better relationships with them for reasons th