The Chick Whisperer Podcast

The Far-Flung Future Of Dating And Relating - MTP116



When you think of 'futurism' your first thoughts are probably of Ray Kurzweil, Elon Musk and talk of 'The Singularity'...when machines will become smarter than humans. All that techie stuff is ridiculously cool and all, but have you ever noticed how little speculation there is out there about the future of sex, dating and relationships? Well, after a bit of going back and forth in one of my mastermind groups for relationship coach types, I discovered my friend Jason Silver was pretty much the only guy thinking about these ideas as much as I was. So I invited him on the show for a uniquely mind-blowing discussion about men, women, sexbots, virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality and much more. We kick it all off by thinking about the relatively near-term future of social media and male/female relationships. But where it all gets completely out of hand is when we start considering the next hundred or two hundred years and beyond. Basically, Jason and I go back and forth rapid-fire trading face-melting