The Chick Whisperer Podcast

3 Secrets Of Happiness - MTP124



My guest co-host has figured out the three cornerstones to happiness...and I think he's on to something significant. We define them up front, followed by ways to look inwardly for happiness despite the pull of external influences and even external energies. Then we explain why the obstacles from the past seem to keep haunting us, and how to finally hurdle over them. Next, we talk about the obvious and not-so-obvious ways our 'advanced' post-modern culture is actually contributing to our personal and collective unhappiness. How can your self-perceived weaknesses actually become touchstones of personal fulfillment and happiness? What happens inside our minds when we compare ourselves to others? Plus, discover the most effective antidote to destructive envy and jealousy. Next, hear about the almost supernatural connection between love and happiness...even if love doesn't exactly turn out the way you wanted it to. Does speed kill happiness? Get the surprising answer. Find out how happy people deal with adversity.