The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Throuple Life With My Two Girlfriends - MTP162



Adam Lyons is a long-time stalwart in the world of men's dating advice, but these days he's also a movie maven and spends lots of time helping people build their businesses. But today, he's here for two reasons...first to get back to his roots of helping YOU be better with women, and second to discuss being a 'throuple' with his two live-in girlfriends. Now, the last time Adam was here back in episode 34 he had just gotten married. What happened with that relationship that led to his current polyamorous arrangement? How does Adam's family members and social circle--and even the poly community at large--respond to his decidedly unconventional lifestyle? How did a third partner get added into the mix, anyway? Philosophically speaking, Adam and I discuss if you can really love more than one person...and if so, how? As a break in the conversation, we then trade tips on how to successfully date multiple women. Next, you'll hear what he has to say to men who think he's so 'lucky' to have two women at the same time.