The Chick Whisperer Podcast

A Billion Wicked Thoughts - MTP169



Decades ago the Kinsey Institute infamously attempted to define the parameters of human sexual thought and behavior. Over the years books such as My Secret Garden by Nancy Friday have elaborated upon just how dirty the human mind can get. But it wasn't until Internet-driven research came along that we really found out what human beings think and do in private anonymity. This bold insight comes to you in large part courtesy of my guest, neuroscientist Dr. Ogi Ogas, along with his fellow researchers. So how did Ogi compile all of his research, and how can he know it's accurate? How did it differ from other scientists' expectations? What's up with women's 'rape fantasies', and how does what goes on in their romance novels differ from what happens in online porn? What other dark emotions are most prevalent in human sexual fantasies...and how are they often weirdly in conflict with each other? What is the one sexual fantasy we all seem to secretly have in common, regardless of our gender or sexual orientation? And