The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Saving Sex For Marriage - MTP186



My guest Rob Kowalski grew up without a dad, and ended up becoming a male stripper in his early adult years. Finally, after leading a rambunctious life of sex and debauchery with countless women, he had a faith conversion experience which inspired him to stop having sex outside the bonds of holy matrimony. Now in his mid-forties, Rob is still unmarried...and yes, he's still not having sex. In most faith based settings, both teens and adults are simply told to stay away from sex until marriage, without really being told why. But in this episode, you'll hear Rob's resolute, logical case for abstention until marriage, and why even masturbation is out of bounds. Are people getting the timing of marriage all wrong vis-a-vis modern postponement of adulthood? And how does the virtue of delayed gratification enter into all of this? And is sex outside of marriage inherently disrespectful, if not downright abusive to women because they're wired differently? What if the big disconnect really is that we as men are still