The Chick Whisperer Podcast

What The Feminine Wants From The Masculine - MTP201



We've long since evolved from the caveman days, but has our inherent nature as sexual beings? My guest is international speaker, media personality and politico-spiritual thought leader Preity Uupala, who firmly believes most women reject the notion that 'they don't need a man'. She has a fresh, interesting way of speaking about masculinity and femininity, including the fascinating perception that there's often a fine line between the two even while being polar opposites. Find out exactly what she means by that, along with some eye-opening thoughts on why men and women often have such a hard time relating to each other. Why do women say they want a 'sweet, nice guy' when they really don't? And how profound is the importance of having a strong sense of identity as a man in order to help a woman truly feel safe with us? Preity thinks like a woman while thoroughly enjoying men. That leads to her completely unique syntax and thought formation as she travels down a different path to ultimately reach the very same d