The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Who Are You, Anyway? - MTP204



So what's your personality type? Introverted? Extroverted? Thinking vs. feeling? Whatever...because my guest believes all the Enneagram and Myers-Briggs tests you have ever taken are only marginally better than the horoscope in the newspaper, at best. His ideas are positively iconoclastic, but he's done his homework and shares insights into developing your personality on YOUR terms that will make you stand up and cheer. The first place he drops the hammer is on the concept of personality versus identity. Are you really stuck being the person you've always been, even if you would really rather be someone different? I mean, what if 'just be yourself' isn't working? And furthermore, what if self-help doesn't work either? Does the 'body positive' crowd have your best interests at heart? Why exactly is it that people who lack vision are often so bored and depressed in the present? And on the other hand, how can our loftiest goals actually hamstring us from thriving? What happens when larger societal influences com