The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Raw Charisma That Attracts - MTP212



Can you believe we've never covered this topic in all the years of doing this show? But my guest Marcus Oakey from the UK is absolutely the right man for the job, given that he has been a professional charisma coach for over a decade now. So what is charisma, anyway? And why is it so elusive? Well, whatever it is, we can agree that those who exhibit it tend to do so effortlessly, or at least seemingly so. Are there different types of charisma? Can you fine-tune your persona to be uniquely charismatic? Is it possible to be charismatic without having to be the life of the party? What is 'The Unbreakable Law'? What's up with the term 'is-ness'? And what does Marcus mean by being in a constant state of 'maybe'? What is the key difference between power and strength? How do regular, normal people respond to an unusually charismatic social interaction in unexpected ways? And hold on...what's the difference between being socially advanced beyond most people and downright creepy? How do we get to that unconsciously co