The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Be Seen, Be Known, Be Remembered - MTP221



My guest is best known for his work on introversion, but the topic of this show is sure to hit the target regardless of your personality type. At its essence, it's all about how to be influential. So what's the right way and the wrong way to do that? I mean, isn't attention seeking for insecure, needy guys and self-promotion for douches? And hold on...isn't this whole desire to be seen, known, remembered somewhat narcissistic at its very core? Well, none of that is necessarily true. That can only mean there's an altogether better and more effective way to be truly memorable, which Nick and I discuss in sometimes alarming, at times unexpected, but always encouraging detail. And let's not kid ourselves. Even if you're not entirely motivated to conquer the world and leave your mark on a grand scale, that relatively low-key lifestyle you're content with may even be at risk if you fail to be influential in any measurable way. So then, what are the first outward steps to having more of an impact on those around us?