The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Get Creative...And Be More Interesting To Women - MTP225



Well, now I've done it. I went and got a creativity coach as a guest co-host. His name is Jeff Leisawitz from Seattle, and you're in for a show that's guaranteed by its very nature to be fun, entertaining AND interesting. To start off, we all know it's not exactly easy to simply be creative at the drop of a hat. Therefore, we define creativity in, well...some truly creative terms. That quickly leads us to the sobering conclusion that despite what many think, creativity isn't really an optional 'luxury item'. It's absolutely integral to a life well-lived. But fear not, Jeff has an elegant way to tune your mind up for greater levels of creativity...all centered around one basic mindset shift. Here's a hint: plenty of us need to have a more creative vision of creativity itself. Is it really true there's no such thing as an original thought? What is it that separates mere talent from truly legendary status? And on a far less lofty level, how does Jeff coax guys to start thinking 'out of the box' for once? What ha