The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Self-Awareness, Confidence, And The Women Who Love You For It - MTP228



My guest is Marine Corps Lt. Colonel Ann Bernard, who as head of 365 Firsts currently advocates for getting out of our infamous comfort/familiarity zones to try new and exciting adventures. Interestingly enough, she says much of our wherewithal in that regard comes from self-awareness. Now, I fully realize 'self-awareness' is one of those terms that may mean different things to different people, but in this episode you're in for one of the clearest and most direct descriptions of it ever. In addition to finding out the practical elements of it, you'll discover the symptoms of lacking self-awareness...and how a scary amount of guys don't even realize they do (which makes sense, if you think about it). So then, is this all related to identity, maturity and some of the other concepts we talk about frequently around here or is it something else completely? Can you actually have too much self-awareness? I mean, wouldn't that lead to self-consciousness (which is different!) and hyper-analysis issues? And on that no