The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Angry Guys And How Rage Works - MTP234



Have you noticed how edgy and snippy people in general have been lately? There has been a lot of fear and turmoil over the past nine months or so, culminating in a particularly rough couple of weeks, and it has begun to wear on even the most stoic among us as men. So what in the world are we to do about that? And what if we found ourselves angry way too often even before 2020 descended upon us? Well, my guest Dr. Ron Potter-Efron is in my estimation the world's foremost expert on the topic of anger management. He claims anger is one of the top reasons why men go to a therapist, in stark contrast to the typical reasons why women do. It's no joke how many men seem to go through life fuming and snarling over just about any and everything that happens, even if it's something minor. We instinctively know such a mental state is intrinsically unattractive to women, yet we slip into fury and lose our temper anyway. What's up with that? And what's the difference between righteous indignation and the kind of anger that