Podcast Ceva Marunt

Episodul 201 - Podcast Ceva Mărunt | cu Toma și Sergiu



Touch screen watch from 1984 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piFaJmYpQfQ Casti wireless JLab Audio Rewind https://amzn.to/2Imevh8 Liquid Tape https://amzn.to/2SFwdRv Matrix Powerwatch https://www.powerwatch.com/ The New Yorker Encyclopedia of Cartoons https://tinyurl.com/y5ql8qgr Ne poti sustine pe http://patreon.com/cevamarunt Mailing list (ca sa te anuntam când avem show la tine în oras si sa poti castiga o carte!): http://eepurl.com/dHUKWr Facebook: http://FB.com/podcastcevamarunt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WD Wireless Passport Pro 2TB - https://goo.gl/ByTSwz Camera noastra foto (PANASONIC Lumix GH4R) - https://goo.gl/2xjU23 Obiectivul folosit (Samyag 7.5mm) - https://goo.gl/WM5HmK Recorder audio Zoom H6 - https://goo.gl/pfCFMr Lavalierele folosite de noi (RODE SmartLav+) - http://bit.ly/2vKEVz3 Adaptor 2 lavaliere intr-un singur telefon - http://bit.ly/2w4e4R1 Lampa video - https://goo.gl/wQ14Vu Carcasa SD caduri - https://goo.gl/Znpa5V Hosting Easyhost http://ro.easyhost.com/?affid=184