Tennessee Wildcast

TW 65 - Recognizing Your Trophy Fish, State Records, And Free Fishing Day!



Mike Bramlett has seen a lot of fish in his days caught by somebody else. That is because he is the main person in charge of helping certify state record fish, making sure trophy fish are recognized through our TARP program, and helping determine the age of bass and other fish that are caught—with really good gear—by TWRA staff. Mike will discuss how to get a potential state record fish certified, talk about some of the great state and WORLD record fish Tennessee has (Do you know the world record walleye comes from Tennessee?), and let you know the best way to determine the age of fish. Hint: it’s not by looking at their teeth. Mike will also discuss this year’s Free Fishing Day and the dozens of catfish-filled events scheduled for kids. And you adults, check out those events, because after the kids leave most of the areas that were stocked with catfish will be open for you to fish. Also, we think you can find the TARP information very interesting to your fishing pursuits and you might want to earn a few cer