Dharma Talk With Henry Winslow

DT 037: Yoga Looks Like This with Carolina Villalba



Carolina Villalba is a yoga teacher, student, and rapper. To Carolina, being in the yoga industry looks like and feels like a lot of things. Born and mostly raised in Miami, she has come a long way from an eager yoga student to an active member of the wellness and awareness community. In this episode, you'll hear from Carolina on: Two difficult but transformative feelings Carolina recognized for the first time in her life, when she tried yoga as an angsty and overmedicated teenager What teaching yoga and rapping in a sometimes lewd and crude band have in common Opening a yoga studio in a mechanic's lot, sharing yoga with amputees and gender non-conformers, and breaking the archetype of what yoga "looks like"  Announcements: Join me for workshops in Richmond, Virginia (The Yoga Dojo + Hot Yoga Richmond) and Orange County, California (YogaWorks Costa Mesa): henrywins.com/events Apply to the Jan 2019 200-hour teacher training at Lighthouse Yoga School, and get $100 OFF your tuition with referral code HENRYWIN