Impact Makers Podcast With Jennifer Mcclure

Fairness Without Sameness: Embracing Diversity At Work And In Life with Sarah Morgan



Sarah was given the nickname ‘Buzz’ when she was 3 because she was always buzzing around and getting into things. So when she decided to begin a blog, Buzz was a natural pen name for her. Sarah’s work on ‘The Buzz on HR’ blog has been challenging not just the HR community to be better, but also bringing a healthy dose of racial awareness and proactive problem-solving to the table. Sarah has spent 20 years in the HR departments of many companies. Her latest has been one of the most fast-paced, dramatic jobs she's ever had. Sarah's company installs home security systems, and she shares some of major things she has learned in doing it. First among those are the soft skills that are often overlooked. Sarah a blog called 'The Buzz on HR' but her employer at the time refused to let her use her real name, and she shares the story of trying to hide her identity. She also brings a unique insight into how HR has changed over the years, from when she first started her blog to current day. As a person of color, Sarah ha