Swish Edition

Swish Bonus: The Rainbow Book Fair



It's a Swish Bonus episode featuring our Gay-On-The-Ground in New York City, Justin Luke, live on location at the 4th Annual Rainbow Book Fair. It's all GLBT fiction and non-fiction books, magazines, and comics plus their publishers, authors, and fans. From the serious to the downright dirty, if you like to read gay...you might enjoy checking out some of the publishers who were on the scene last weekend. Justin chats with founder and publisher Jameson Currier of Chelsea Station Editions, Perry Brass from Belhue Press; Steve Berman of Lethe Press Books; "gorgeous gay nerds" (as Justin calls them) Ray Cha and Erich Nagler from FAQNP; and, the naked elves and artist J.C. Etheredge of AntiHeros. And don't forget, Justin's book Gulliver Takes Manhattan comes out May 1. Pre-order yours today!