Unraveling Pink

#80 Suggestion: Speak Up



Why are we so afraid to speak up when someone makes a sexist remark? Or when we witness discrimination or inappropriate touching? The reasons are a bit different for men and women and some may surprise you. These reasons are explored in this episode, along with some suggestions of how to overcome the bystander effect and use your voice to move us forward to gender equality. Listen in. 
Resources in this Episode: 
Ally of the week: Kourosh Hemmat, "Halifax Taxi Driver Reportedly Kick Catcaller Out Of His Cab" 
Clementine Ford’s “Nothing maintains women's silence like the fear of 'making a scene'” 
Zoe Chance’s 10/2017 “Here’s Why We Don’t Speak Up Against Harassment”
 Michael Kimmel’s 1/2018 “Getting Men To Speak Up”
 David Smith's 2017 "Lots Of Men Are Gender Equality Allies In Private; Why Not In Public?"
 Lisa Hickey's 5/2018 “Men Know: Why Men Need to Start Talking About Violence and Sexual Harassment”
 Fugazi, “Suggestion”
 Amanda Hess, 2010 "Date Rape Anthem: Fugazi's 'Suggestion'"