Killing Retirement

Busting Loose from the Money Game



Everything you know about money - or think you know - is a story...and potentially a lie. You've lived your life thinking you knew what the game was -- work hard and make money - but you'd be missing a very important piece of the puzzle. In this episode of Killing Retirement, guest Robert Scheinfeld talks about how we create our reality (including our financial reality) with our minds. Our life experience is a illusory game created by what he calls our 'Expanded Self' - a larger, omnipotent creative intelligence, of which we are just a small aspect. This 'Human Game' is divided into 2 phases: Phase 1, which most people are stuck in, and Phase 2, which is the object of the processes in this book. Phase 1 appears to have rigid rules, and was purposely designed by our Expanded Self to convince us of our limitations and lack of power. When we are ready, we enter Phase 2, in which our Expanded Self leads us through the process of reclaiming our personal power and then 'busting loose' of the game. After busting loo