Massively Op

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 17



When one game falls, another one rises... or is it the other way around? Today on the podcast, Justin and Bree talk about the unfortunate demise of a superhero MOBA and what that means for the "genre." Happily, there's a lot of positive news to cover as well that may indicate that 2015 is on the rise even so! Join us on the podcast as we talk about what we’ve been playing in MMOs, the top news stories from the past week, and topics that listeners have submitted! Show notes: Adventures in MMOs: Marvel Heroes, WildStar, The Secret World News: Heroes of the Storm launches while Infinite Crisis shuts down News: Marvel Heroes anniversary bash News: TERA getting a new PvE server News: EQ Next development shift News: Release dates for Trove and PS2 PS4 launch News: Aion's upheaval is coming Mailbag: Game metrics Mailbag: Down with rags-to-riches! Other info: Podcast theme: "This Fight is Mine" from Infinite Crisis Your show hosts: Bree, Justin Listen to Massively OP Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Player FM, TuneI