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Episode 18: Planning Strategically for Success with NJ Rongner



NJ Rongner joins me on the show today. NJ is a business strategist who helps female entrepreneurs clear the clutter and get laser focused on what matters most. Known by her signature phrase "I can't sign off on that," she's not afraid to tell her clients when they're going in the wrong direction. NJ is the founder of Working Christian Mom where she provides encouragement and support to women who love their family, love their job and love their faith. You can find out more about her podcast and services by visiting the Working Christian Mom website - During the episode, NJ talks about her strategy sessions and you can book your own uber helpful session by going to Having worked with NJ closely over the last few years as a part of the Boss Mom team and her mentoring me, she's been a huge influence in my life and business. If you want to follow along with her, you can do so on Instagram at or