The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

21: How To Build Trust, Credibility And Respect



Dale Carnegie Training Japan: According to recent research by Dale Carnegie Training Japan, there are three critical drivers for engagement, namely, your relationship with your immediate supervisor, your belief in senior management’s direction for the organisation and your sense of pride in working there. An emotional trigger also creates engagement—the feeling of trust. What is meant by trust? It can be defined as confidence in the fact that you can rely on a certain person or thing. The presence of too little trust or too much trust can be dangerous, however. A healthy level of trust comes from making good decisions and exercising good judgment, using a balance of head and heart, facts and instinct. Working in a healthy trust environment versus one full of distrust brings many benefits: greater job satisfaction, employees who are more engaged, improved productivity, reduced stress, more innovation, better customer interaction, and high staff retention rates. Trust, respect and