Start-up Speakeasy

#015 How Kickstarter jumpstarted his brand & what you should know before running a campaign.



Today’s guest, Rob Hohne started down the path of Law school and decided to follow his curiosity into the world of urban gardening.  ((record scratch))  What makes a law student dream of having chickens, harvesting crops, and plowing land?  Well, I’ll let him tell you about that…  What I will say, is that he designed a successful kickstarter campaign to make it happen and has since expanded his project to his newest venture to a retail local and online store named Homestead. In this interview we dive into Bitcoin.  Rob accepts this alternative currency in the store and we take a look at how it all works from a retail perspective.  P.S.- If bitcoin hasn’t hit your radar yet, be sure to take a look.  It’s changing the perception of credit card & payment processing around the globe, it’s kind of a big deal.   He also gives us kick-ass strategies for a killer kickstarter campaign (sorry, couldn’t resist the pun).