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Magic Words That Make People Buy with Ray Edwards EP 221



Ray Edwards, a best-selling author and a copywriting coach. Listen as Nathan asks Ray about books, the mechanics of publishing, how he was able to sell a thousand copies before getting promoted, and how affiliation works. Famous 5Favorite Business Book? –The Biography of John AdamsWhat CEO do you follow?— Peter DiamandisWhat is your favorite online tool?—EvernoteDo you get 8 hours of sleep?— NoIf you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be?— Don’t do credit cards, invest your money, spend less than you earn, take better care of your body…most of the stuff you worry about in your 20s you won’t even remember so lighten up. Time Stamped Show Notes:01:17 – Nathan’s introduction01:54 – Nathan welcomes Ray02:07 – Writing Riches02:42 – Ray’s revenue stream03:00 – How to Write Copy that Sells05:30 – It’s relatively easy to get published compared to how hard it is to write06:03 – Mechanics of publishing Ray’s book with Morgan James07:50 – Business books should be positioning pieces to win clie