The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

She Has 5 Kids and Is Making THIS MUCH Per Month? With Kim Ades EP 250



Kim Ades, president of Frame Of Mind coaching. Kim’s a performance coaching expert who helps people to examine and shift their thinking using a unique system of journaling. Listen to Kim and Nathan talk performance coaching, the details of Kim’s business success, and how to be an entrepreneur with kids.   Famous 5 Favorite Book? – Scaling Up What CEO do you follow? — Richard Branson What is your favorite online tool?— Dropbox Do you get 8 hours of sleep?— Absolutely not If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be?— That everything would be fine Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:10 – Nathan’s introduction 01:40 – Welcoming Kim to the show 01:55 – Kim now licenses out journaling software developed in her company 02:15 – Licensed for $69 per month to around 400 subscribers 02:31 – Main revenue stream is from coaching at Frame of Mind 03:17 – Prices range from $3600-$10,000 for 10 weeks of coaching 04:24 – Total coaching revenue $600,000 in 2015 05:03 – Business employs 18 coaches 05:50 – M