The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

How Did This Guy Retire at 35? EP 284: Todd Tresidder



Todd Tresidder's a serial entrepreneur who retired at 35 afterbuilding millions as a hedge fund manager. He’s the creator ofFinancial Mentor, a hugely successful financial coaching service,which is soon to become an online course. Listen as Todd and Nathantalk asset allocation, risk reduction, and how to createwealth. Favorite Book? – Essentialism What CEO do you follow? — Steve Jobs Favourite online tool? — None Do you get 8 hours of sleep?— It varies If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what wouldit be?— Buy more income-producing real estate Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:20 – Nathan’s introduction 01:35 – Welcoming Todd to the show 02:18 – Lasted about 6 months at Hewlett Packard - then he wasfired 03:20 – “Everything is quantitative” 03:45 – Invested $20 million through a hedge fund set up with apartner 05:00 – “One of the keys in investing is knowing what you don’tknow” 06:30 – Made a 3% management fee 07:20 – “It’s completely a numbers game” 07:55 – Why move to teaching others? 08:30 –