The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 333: Dangerous Chemicals Hidden In Our Food Supply & The Food Industry's Playbook - With Guest Vani Hari



It’s no secret, there’s a lot of confusion out there about what to eat. One day a popular article states the numerous health benefits of coconut oil, and the next day it’s labeled as poison. And while it’s true that sometimes the science changes, that’s rarely what’s going on here. It’s important that we understand where these studies come from, who is funding them, and why they’re being promoted. Vani Hari, also known as the Food Babe, has advocated for not only herself, but all of us by challenging food companies and organizations and holding them accountable for their actions. Today, she is here to share information from her new book, Feeding You Lies.Vani is discussing the details behind how nutrition research is manipulated, and how the food industry generates fake information. I hope this episode inspires you to become your own advocate for your health, and to understand where your food comes from. More importantly, I hope Vani’s story reminds you to never underestimate your power to cultivate change in