The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 407: How To Reduce Anxiety And Maintain Your Health During A Lockdown



During this unprecedented time, we’re all at home—but on some level we’re all in this together. If you find yourself itching to get back to normalcy, it’s important to remember that this time is an opportunity for significant growth and introspection. None of us will come out of this unchanged, but it’s up to you to determine how you will cope. Will you allow your mind to become consumed by fear and anxiety, or will you choose to manage your stress and practice peace? My mission is for you to come out of this experience better and stronger than you came into it. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about maintaining your health at home, understanding your risk level, and optimizing your mind and body to thrive under any circumstance.  You’re going to learn about understanding the root cause of the pervasive fear in our society, and how to find inner peace when the world seems overwhelming. This episode contains tips for building mental health and clarity, plus how to shift your workout regimen while you’re