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Transformation lessons from designing next gen cities with Ruben Vela and Matt Waldman



I spoke with Matthew Waldman (Founder, San-Q, and Professor Keio Graduate School of Design) and Ruben Fernandez Vela (Senior Researcher, Samcara research lab) on transformation and innovation lessons from designing next-gen cities.This was a fascinating chat, and much of the ideas we discussed could very easily be extrapolated for firms, in-house teams, indeed any business.Here are three things I took away: Planning for obsolescence and avoiding in-action Balancing decision making and privacy Fostering innovation is simple Other resources mentioned during the episode Samcara circular design lab San-Q consultancy Professor Matthew Waldman on LinkedIn  Ruben Vela on LinkedIn Laying the foundation for Smart Cities What's fueling the smart city backlash? Carlos Moreno talks about the 15-minute city Beyond Tech - The True Meaning of a Smart City