Wanda's Picks

Wanda's Picks Radio Show



Legacy Film Festival on Aging Features May 24-31 1.Sam Hampton, Director, "Twelve Ingredients"; Adele Hampton 2. Sandra Hubbard, The Giants Wore White Gloves (40 mins) (The Lost Years) 3. David Wild, director, "Today Was a Good Day" with KaTania “Kat” Brown (subject) was born and raised in Detroit. She is a small business owner, freelance virtual assistant of Virtually Possible 365, and newly launched business social media deactivation service Digital Footprint Consulting. Author of Love Notes: A Caregiver’s Journal (2019), in addition to being a caregiver for her mother since 1991 before her passing October, 2020. www.virtuallypossible365.com 4. Mothers of Gynecology with Michelle Browder, JC Hallman