One To One

OCD: Tuppence Middleton talks to David Adam



Actress Tuppence Middleton has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). It's not something she's really talked about before, except with a therapist. That is, until now. In this series, she's on a mission to find out more about the disorder - and herself - and to bust some myths along the way. Today, she talks journalist David Adam, writer of the best-selling book 'The Man Who Couldn't Stop' with the strap-line 'OCD and the true story of a life lost in thought.' David's OCD was triggered by an illogical obsession with contracting HIV/AIDS in the 1980s. He says each era has its "bogeyman". What might this mean for people today, in the age of coronavirus? Photo credit: Robert Harper. Producer: Becky Ripley.