Book Choice

Book Choice - February 2016



"This happy hour Andrew Marjoribanks, Wordsworth Books picks perfect summer reading, fiction and non-fiction. Lynda Gilfillan, down-the-line from down under reviews 'Flame in the Snow – The Love Letters of Andre Brink & Ingrid Jonker', of which she, Lynda, was the copy-editor for the English translation. Cindy Moritz gives us good reason to read Anne Tyler’s gentle unwinding of 'A Spool of Blue Thread' with its deceptively small details of ordinary family life. Peter Soal wonders, with Ferial Haffajee and with some alarm 'What if there were no whites in South Africa?'. Beverley Roos Muller spies revelations in 'John le Carre – the biography by Adam Sisman', and Mike Fitzjames takes the thriller genre further with three cracking crime novels. Phillippa Cheifitz keeps her cool - and suggests we keep ours – with 'Ice Kitchen: 50 Lolly Recipes' by Cesar and Nadia Roden. Finally Vanessa Levenstein reviews Santa Montefiore’s 'Songs of Love and War', an epic romance with strong archetypal themes of land, love an