Book Choice

Book Choice - September 2016



"This happy hour: Andrew Marjoribanks has a bagful of good books to welcome the warmth of Spring, Beverley Roos Muller turns her landlubbers eye to the world’s greatest ocean in 'Pacific by Simon Winchester. Vanessa Levenstein with her daughter Safra Bella Musikanth, and others play deliciously with 'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child', a two-part West End stage play written by Jack Thorne based on an original new story by Thorne, JK Rowling and John Tiffany. Wednesday sees the start of the Open Book Festival at The Fugard Theatre until Sunday, September 11. We chat to Bongani Madondo, author of 'Sigh The Beloved Country', who’ll be in lively conversation with Sindiwe Magona and Bongani Kona at the Guga S’thebe Cultural Centre in Langa on Sunday, September 11. Melvyn Minnaar found fiction that entertains page by page in the delightful 'Diary of a Body' by Daniel Pennac, and there’s the fabulous feast of 'The Great South African Cookbook'. Peter Soal was delighted by the elegance and grace of 'The relatively pu