Book Choice

Book Choice - April 2017



It’s the first Monday of the month, so it’s BOOK CHOICE on Fine Music Radio 101.3, various other frequencies and on our web: I’m Gorry Bowes Taylor. This happy hour: Andrew Marjoribanks, Wordsworth Books gives us choice reading in fiction and non-fiction for these early autumn days. Philip Todres chats to internationally acclaimed photographer Roger Ballen about his new, intriguingly named monograph: The Theatre of Apparitions, a copy of which publisher Thames & Hudson is giving away in our easy-peasy competition. Beverley Roos Muller highly recommends the spellbindingly brilliant The Iceberg – A Memoir by Marion Coutts, while Mike Fitzjames so wickedly whacks our nerves with two spellbinding thrillers. Vanessa Levenstein escaped into non-fiction No Wall Too High: One man’s extraordinary escape from Mao’s Darkest Prison by Xu Hongci. Melvyn Minnaar turns his embedded gaze to two art books: Hanging on a Wire, photographs by Sophia Klaase and 1994 with photographs by Pieter Hugo. We chat to e