Book Choice

Book Choice - March 2018



This sunny hour: Andrew Marjoribanks, Wordsworth Books, brings a bagful of the best in fiction and non-fiction. Beveley Roos Muller finds 'Head Case' by Ross Armstrong unforgettable, an absolute one-off; smart, cheeky, with the oddest and most original detective character. John Hanks takes a trip down the 'River of Gold – Narratives and exploration of the Great Limpopo' by Peter Norton, Mike Gardiner and Clive Walker much, much more than Kipling’s ‘great, grey, green, greasy Limpopo all set about with fever trees’. Philip Todres talks to Sylvia Brunders who has just published 'Parading Respectability – The cultural and moral aesthetics of the Christmas Bands Movement in the Western Cape'. Vanessa Levenstein loved Clare Robertson’s 'Under Glass', and do bear in mind that Clare is the winner of the 2014 Sunday Times Fiction Prize. And the good news is that Under Glass is one of our prizes today. Melvyn Minnaar talks delightedly to poet Karin Schimke about her inspiring new book 'Navigate' and Cindy Moritz much