Book Choice

Book Choice - October 2018



It’s noon on the first Monday of the month, so it’s BOOK CHOICE on Fine Music radio, and it’s a warm welcome from me, Gorry Bowes Taylor Matabata . . . .. This happy hour Andrew Marjoribank, Wordsworth Books brings you a bagful about his knees and his Passion for Opera, and his book is one of today’s Giveaways. Cindy Moritz spies a grand thriller in Daniel Silva’s The Other Woman. More spine chillers from Mike Fitzjames, including the new Tony Park, which is also one of today’s Giveaways. The 10th of October is World Mental Health Day. The Enumerations is a novel about the effects of a mental condition on a family. Vanessa Levenstein spoke to author, Máire (pronounced Moira) Fisher. John Hanks hopes that adults, too, will read Kids’ Snakes of Southern Africa by Johan Marais, and keep snakes alive, and Lesley Beake talks teenage fantasy, in other words, other worlds and two good books for the young. Peter Soal gives us the up-beat on the first Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa, Louis Botha by Richard