Book Choice

Book Choice - February 2019



Melvyn Minnaar is delightfully set alight by Leonard Cohen’s The Flame. Cindy Moritz finds John Boyne’s A Ladder to the Sky deliciously dark and satisfying. John Hanks journeys through Ian Glenn’s The First Safari – Searching for Francois Levaillant, an account of South Africa’s first and perhaps the greatest ever birder. Lesley Beake brings us a dystopian teen novel and a South African story for younger readers. Briony Chisholm chats about her delightully titled One Night Only, her debut novel that’s a fun and flirty take on the romantic dongs of 33 year old Sarah Trafford. Philip Todres talks to Jay Pather co-editor with Catherine Boulle of Acts of Transgression - Contemporary Live Art in South Africa a wonderfully informative, and accessible book, with some excellent photographs to add to the treat. Peter Soal takes on two local stalwarts in The Indepence Factor by Dennis Worrall, and Graham Viney’s The Last Hurrah – South Africa and the Royal tour of 1947 Vanessa Levenstein takes a delightful tr