Book Choice

Book Choice - March 2019



Sad news this month then plenty of good books. Andrew Marjoribanks, MD Wordsworth Books, so very heartregood news aboutndingly died on February 16. He and I started FMR BOOK CHOICE 19 years ago and worked together for all that time. Andrew’s monthly reviews were like him – calm, conversational, intelligent, enthusiastic. In loving and grateful memory of Andrew, Mark Jennings, FMR Station Manager has made a Fine Music Radio donation to Shine Literacy. The good news is that Nicky Farrelly, Manager at Wordsworth Books, Longbeach Mall will be with us each month, as suggested by Andrew. This month Nicky picks four fascinating fiction titles. Michael Roche-Kelly, mean as ever, gives us three thrillers to curl our toes.. has kindly chosen one as one of today’s Giveaways. Beverley Roos Muller pays tribute to the delicacy of award-winning Irish writer Sebastian Barry for the brilliance of his third novel to mine the McNully family history: The Temporary Gentleman. Sally-Ann Creed talks the toxins in our food, pe