Book Choice

Book Choice - April 2019



Philip Todres takes you into glorious views of an old family estate Constantia Glen with owner Alexander Waiver as they leaf through Constantia Glen - A Timeless Vision by Clare O’Donaghue, with Craign Fraser’s stunning photographs. And it’s one of today’s Giveaways. Cruel as ever, Michael Roche-Kelly hopes to keep us awake at night with three gripping thrillers, one of which – The Senior Advisor by Edmund-George King is also one of today’s Giveaways. Cindy Moritz takes you to a hard-to-find little village in Korea in Karin Cronje’s memoir of her teaching time there in There Goes English Teacher. Vanessa Levenstein munches her way through Have You Eaten Grandma, Gyles Brandreth’s often hilarious take on commas, apostrophes and others of today’s grammar glops. Go game viewing with zoologistT John Hanks via Stuart’s Field Guide to National Parks & Game Reserves of East Africa. rememberingto pack into your pocket Jonathan Leeming’s Scorpions of Southern Africa. Beverley Roos Muller pronounces Washingt