Book Choice

Book Choice - July 2019



Beverley Roos Muller delves into the complex world of Artificial Intelligence in Ian McEwan’s Machines Like Me, calling it elegant as well as disturbing. Andrew Brown feels like Alice in Wonderland reading William Boyd’s Love is Blind, which is now out in paperback. Vanessa Levenstein calls Fiona Snycker’s Lacuna “an articulate response to JM Coetzee’s novel Disgrace, finally giving Lucy Lurie a voice, and Philip Todres speaks to Samantha Smirin, author of Life Interrupted: A Bipolar Memoir. He describes it as a “heartbreakingly honest biography of a person confronting bipolar disorder”. From the human condition to the call of the wild, John Hanks flew through African Raptors by William Clark and Rob Davies, and calls it a must-have for dedicated ornithologists. Back down to earth, Beryl Eichenberger explores a dream come true… or a nightmare waiting to happen in Michelle Sacks’s dark fiction, You Were Made for This. Penny Lorimer has discovered a new historical series with Philip Kerr’s Metroplis, featuring