James Miller | Lifeology

Prepared for your future: Guest – Drew Westervelt



http://www.jamesmillerlifeology.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/James-Miller-Lifeology-Prepared-for-your-future-Guest-Drew-Westervelt2.mp3 Many times we look at successful people and think there is no way we could be like them. Did you realize that you are more similar to them than you think? Look at their character, their work ethic, and their interaction with others. They started at the same place as you, but those same similarities were the framework they used to become successful. You already have the skills you need to be the successful person you want to become. Your future is closer than you think. Retired professional athlete, Drew Westervelt, shares his own story of being a lacrosse player and finding that he was not being fulfilled. He used what he learned playing organized sports for all of his life and used those skills to transform himself into a successful entrepreneur. For more information about Drew, please visit; HexPerformance.com Are you struggling to make long-lasting changes in your lif