James Miller | Lifeology

Family roles: Guest – Jodee Prouse



Healthy families don't assign family roles. http://www.jamesmillerlifeology.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/James-Miller-Lifeology-Family-roles-Guest-Jodee-Prouse.mp3 We have all seen movies where there are token characters that we expect. Did you realize your family has certain roles that each of you play? These family roles are dysfunctional, but create a sense of "order" in families. In this episode you will hear what these family roles are and how to break this generational family cycle. Author, Jodee Prouse, shares her memoir, The Sun Is Gone: A Sister Lost in Secrets, Shame, and Addiction, and How I Broke Free. Jodee gives a first hand account of a sober child living in this dysfunctional system, the family role she played, and how she broke free from these generational patterns. For more information about Jodee, please visit: JodeeProuse.com You may purchase Jodee's book on amazon.com or at JamesMillerLifeology.com. @JodeeProuse #JodeeProuse #alcoholism #Author #sobriety #codependence #dysfunctional