Company Of One With Dale Callahan

139: How to Decide if My Startup Should be an LLC or S-Corp [Podcast]



Trying to decide if your startup should be an LLC or S-Corp?  In the startup world, this is one of the most frequent questions I get. It falls closely in line with Do I need a business license? Should I incorporate or not? How do I find an attorney and CPA? I have dealt with parts of these subjects in past episodes. Ep 115 - What you need in terms of LLC or business license Ep 56 - Do I need a business license to sell online?  Blog Post - Do I even need a business license or LLC? But today I want to dive into the issue in another direction - a common-sense strategy for deciding when and what to do. But I am not crossing over into the world of CPA or an attorney. This is not legal advice - it is common sense advice. Both the LLC and S-Corp have legal and tax implications - but we want to visit a common-sense thinking about where to start asking questions.  How to Decide if My Startup Should be an LLC or S-Corp? (Podcast Outline) When you need neither LLC or S-corp No risk of dan