Company Of One With Dale Callahan

145: Does it Matter Where You Go to School? [Podcast]



Where you go to school matters - right?  With all the attention to college acceptance bribery cases involving actresses Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman, we might think that it really matters where you go to school. After all, why would they pay a ton of money if not?  But when we peel back the layers of the truth and the norms, we see that most of us fight to get our kids into top schools and rarely does it happen.  So with all the energy and activity around it - does it even matter? Does it matter where you go to school? (Podcast Outline) Quick answer -No Dave Ramsey answer - “Happy to have a Harvard Grad work for me.” Plenty of examples of significant success without the top degrees (or degrees at all for that matter) Do you really learn? MIT video of graduate engineers who cannot light a bulb - When it might matter Hang with elites - Senators etc Bias to college in your career path Example - Vice President with degree bias Why it rarely matters We usually do not take any