Company Of One With Dale Callahan

146: How to Develop Confidence and Composure – Even When You are Scared to Death [Podcast]



Develop confidence. That is the challenge.  The desire to develop more confidence and composure under pressure is a common theme we see in our professional graduate students. Even those who seem like they are highly confident will confess one-on-one that they are lacking.  A quick look will show that everyone lacks confidence at some level. And all want to develop confidence to a higher level. Yes, even those hard-driving people who look and sound like they eat confidence for breakfast. We are all insecure.  So how can you and I become more confident? It is not as hard as we might think. How to Develop Confidence and Composure (Podcast outline) First, recognize that you are not alone Everyone lacks confidence Imposter Syndrome Bill Smith story Control your inner talk Capture your thoughts Use Third Person (refer to Late Bloomers) Take back control in the moment Smile - relaxing for you and others Breathe -  In these intense moments, we tend to hold our breath Deep and