Company Of One With Dale Callahan

162: Have you forgotten how to dream?[Podcast]



Have you forgotten how to dream? I asked that question of a client the other day as he was talking through all of his options. Should he take the job that was a minor promotion (my words - not his) or should he take the job in the other company which is also a minor promotion? (Again - my words not his.)  As he described both, I could tell his heart could care less? “What do you really want?” I asked. He then started comparing the options between the two jobs.  No - I mean “What do YOU really want?” Take all of this off the table. What do you want to do if you could step back and money was not the issue? He stared at me as if I had just morphed into speaking Chinese.  After a moment of awkward silence, I said - “Have you forgotten how to dream?" After another moment of awkward silence, he said - “I have even forgotten what it means to dream."  Have you forgotten how to dream? (podcast outline) We have let others do the dreaming for us. They set the agenda. What has happened to all of us? We used to be a