
Rural America with Jason Medows of the Ag State of Mind Podcast



Do you want to start a podcast but too afraid to get started? This episode with Jason Medows will speak life into your message in a powerful way. His story of getting started will inspire you to start, grow, and publish your first episode.  Jason’s podcast Ag State of Mind focuses on bringing awareness to the agriculture community's mental health issues. These issues often go unnoticed due to the nature of farming as it is self-isolating by nature.  Key Topics: What was the desire behind starting a podcast to support the Agriculture community (1:08) What does Jason's life look like today (4:39) What are the issues that farmers face that people might not expect (5:30) How does uncertainty play a role in the mental health of farmers (7:13) What are some of the simple tools available to farmers to help cope (9:00) What made podcast perfect medium for farmers (11:41) You turned on the microphone, now what (14:10) What made Mental Health America of Eastern Missouri unique to be the charity on t