Nerd Critic

Alita: Battle Angel and Happy Death Day 2U



ALITA & HDD2U - SHOW NOTESNerd Critic covers TWO WHOLE MOVIES in this episode: Alita: Battle Angel, and Happy Death Day 2U. It was very probably a mistake to tackle so much in less than an hour, but these heroic hosts’ courage knows no bounds. Are James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez an unstoppable filmmaking duo? Can the second installment in a clever genre-bender prove it deserves to exist beyond the cynical profit-mongering of the studio that greenlit it? You’ll hear the True Answers to these questions and more in this slightly-too-long episode. Expect the following:CJ shows up to work, even when he’s sickJordan drones on WAY too long about Happy Death Day 2U, because CJ didn’t see it, and Jordan’s no good on his own.Coverage of Alita starts at about 16 minutes, so feel free to jump aheadA thorough breakdown of how the characters are built in this movieWe recast a scene between Alita and Hugo with Superman and Lois Lane. This is probably the best part of the episode. It starts at about 38 minutes. The wa